Social media has become such a natural part of our lives – and our daily activities – that you may not pay that much attention to your usage at this point. If, however, you are going through a divorce, it’s time to give the matter a bit more thought. The fact is that your social media posts are fair game when it comes to your divorce, and they may reveal more than you intended – or they may reveal something other than your intended – and you’re well-advised to pay close attention. If you’re heading toward divorce, turn to an experienced Illinois divorce attorney for the help you need.
We turn to social media to share the ups and downs of our lives, and divorce is certainly noteworthy. The problem is that divorce is an emotionally charged event for which you need the emotional support of your friends, family, and loved ones, but when you share on social media platforms, such as Facebook (now called Meta) and Instagram, you should have approximately zero expectation of privacy. While you are perfectly within your rights and the boundaries of decorum to discuss your divorce-related concerns with those whom you choose to share, doing so on social media can come back to haunt you. Even if your privacy settings are as tight as a drum, there is no way to stop someone on the receiving end from taking a screenshot – or from sharing your post with someone else. The wrong post on social media can adversely affect the outcome of your case, which makes proceeding with caution an excellent approach to adopt.
An errant post on social media can harm your divorce in a variety of important ways that you may not have even considered, including:
Cameron H. Goodman at Goodman Law Firm is an Illinois divorce attorney who has the experience, legal skill, and insight to help you. We’re on your side, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information today.
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