Whether your divorce was something you wanted or not, it’s essential to know that you have options and support is available to you. When you work with a top divorce attorney in Downers Grove, you can be assured that you have a reliable advocate who will stand up for your rights and inform you regarding your legal options.
When you work with a top divorce attorney in Downers Grove, you will be treated as an individual. At Goodman Law Firm, we know your marriage was unique, and your divorce will be as well. Every divorce needs its own tailored approach, and that is what we can offer you. Here’s what you should know about fault, no-fault, and joint simplified divorces in Illinois.
Previously, Illinois divorce laws allowed partners to file a divorce known as a “fault divorce.” The grounds for this type of divorce included behaviors such as abuse, adultery, or excessive drug use. However, these types of divorces were much more cost-intensive, took significantly more time to complete, and were generally much more stressful for all parties involved. Considering these factors, in 2016, lawmakers eliminated all grounds for fault divorces. However, some of the behaviors that gave reason to a fault divorce can also impact parenting time if you have children.
Illinois grants no-fault divorces only. No-fault divorces are based on “irreconcilable differences,” or the fact that the couple can’t get along anymore for whatever reason. They must have lived apart for at least two years with no hopes of reconciliation. If both spouses agree, the court will shorten the required separation time from two years to six months. The separation process can be satisfied even if both partners share financial obligations and even if they are living in the same household, as long as they live in different areas of the house.
A joint simplified divorce is an alternative to no-fault divorces for some couples. The process is much simpler, which can cut down on any possible arguing, emotions, and other circumstances that may arise during divorce cases. Spouses can file for a joint simplified divorce if they have agreed on all divorce issues and:
Divorce is an emotionally draining process during a time in which you might be anxious to move on to the next stage of life. The divorce process can differ, depending on the specific circumstances of your divorce. If all issues are uncontested between the spouses, the process can take as little as a month. However, if there are many contested issues, the process could take around two years or more. It’s common to want your divorce over with as soon as possible. Your top divorce lawyer in Downers Grove will work hard to ensure that the process goes as smoothly and quickly as it can in your case.
No matter the type of divorce you are going through, or its complexities, you can rely on our top divorce attorneys in Downers Grove. At Goodman Law Firm, we handle all types of divorces. Whether you’ve only been married for a short time and have few assets or if you’ve been married for decades and have many complex assets, we are here for you. Contact us today to receive a confidential divorce case review.
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