Every couples’ path through the divorce process is unique. One constant, however, is that divorce is a significant transition that requires careful attention.
The terms of your divorce may have lasting repercussions for your future choices and security; with your future at stake consult one of the best Downers Grove divorce attorneys before time runs out.
While your divorce won’t look exactly the same as anyone else’s, there are some basic components that make up every Illinois divorce (as applicable), including:
Your marital property refers to those assets that you acquired during your marriage – regardless of whose name is on the title or deed. The property that belonged to you when you married will generally remain separate property (as long as you maintained it as separate property throughout your marriage). In the State of Illinois, marital property is divided in a way that is deemed fair (or equitable), given the circumstances involved. The court will take a wide array of variables into consideration when determining how to divide your assets fairly (if you and your divorcing spouse are unable to hammer out mutually acceptable terms together).
Child custody encompasses both decision-making authority (historically known as legal custody) and parenting-time (which is similar to the concept of physical custody). Decision-making authority and parenting time are usually shared, though not necessarily equally. Decision-making authority refers to the right to make decisions for your children in the areas of:
During a divorce with children, either you and your partner or the judge will determine an allocation of parenting time that is in the best interests of the minor children. The allocation of parenting time need not be equal or fifty-fifty; there are many different permutations that reflect the needs and unique circumstances of the family. Some families alternate weeks and others split weeks, spending the first half of the week with one parent and the second half of the week with the other parent. Still, other permutations allot the bulk of parenting time to one parent and alternating weekends to the other.
The allocation of parenting time has replaced the concept of physical custody. Children are deemed to reside with both parents and more often than not, the parent with parenting time may make all day-to-day decisions for the minor child without consulting the other parent.
Because both parents are responsible for supporting their children financially, one parent generally makes child support payments to the other. Unless there are extenuating circumstances involved, these payments are usually based on a standardized state calculation method.
Alimony (called spousal support in Illinois) may or may not play a role in your divorce. Typically, alimony is awarded when one spouse has a financial need, and the other has the financial ability to address that need through post-divorce payments that are usually temporary.
Divorce is a big step, and Cameron H. Goodman at Goodman Law Firm is a dedicated divorce lawyer who, over the course of his more than two decades in private practice, has honed an insightful approach to helping clients like you obtain favorable divorce terms. If you need a Downers Grove divorce lawyer, we’re here to help, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
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